August 28 (SCREENING)
Fuso 2024 (16th Edition), EDP Foundation / MAAT - Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Lisbon

June 17 to June 30, 2024 (RESIDENCY)
Hipertextile #1 Embroidery Residency at Cortex Frontal, Arraiolos

May 10, 2024 (SCREENING)
Batalha Centro de Cinema, Org. by Celina Brás and Guilherme Blanc, Porto

May 8, 2024 (MASTER CLASS)
Master class, invited by Francisco Queirós, Painting department, Faculty of Fine Arts - University of Lisbon

April 18, 2024 (GROUP SHOW)
Highly Confusing Times, Curated by Francisca Portugal and Victoria Alvarez, Arbag, Lisbon

February 17, 2024 (GROUP SHOW)
More-than-Human. Perspectives on Technology and Futurity, Org. by Celina Brás (Contemporânea), Galeria Avenida da Índia - EGEAC, Lisbon

December 10, 2023 (SCREENING)
BACK TO RED (film presented in the screening organized by Mono No Aware), Anthology Film Archives, New York 

November 28, 2023 (GROUP SHOW)
The 2023 Sovereign Portuguese Art Prize - Exhibition of Shortlisted, Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes - SNBA, Lisbon

November 19, 2023 (SCREENING)
Prelude (An Intro) (film included in the screening organized by Mono No Aware), MoMA - Museum of Modern Art, New York

October 20, 2023 (GROUP SHOW)
Transition Zones - Works from the PLMJ Foundation Collection, Curated by João Silvério, Torreão Nascente da Cordoaria Nacional, Lisbon

Sept. 2023-2024 (GRANT)
Grant from Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation to study visual arts abroad - Specialization in Film and Animation with Mono No Aware, New York

June 24, 2023 (OPEN STUDIOS)
Open Studios, Talks & Screenings, AiR 351, Cascais, PT

June 18, 2023 (SCREENING)
Stones Last a Wee Bit Longer, Curated by Inês Valle and Nuno Sacramento, DUSK Contemporary Art Festival 1st ed., Montado do Freixo do Meio, PT

May 13, 2023 (GROUP SHOW)
Ver no Escuro, Curated by Ana Anacleto, Centro de Artes de Águeda, Águeda, PT

March 25, 2023 (GROUP SHOW)
A prática do infinito pela leitura, Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Guimarães, PT

March 8, 2023 (GROUP SHOW)
Coleção Municipal de Arte, MU.SA, Sintra, PT

February 16, 2023 (TALK)
OVERLAP, org. Sérgio Fazenda Rodrigues, Hangar - Artistic Research Center, Lisbon, PT

February, 2023
Sirius Arts Centre, Ireland

January 5, 2023 (GROUP SHOW)
Visual AIDS, Ortuzar Projects, New York

December 2, 2022 (GROUP SHOW)
And Then Night, Rodríguez Gallery, Curated by Aurélien Le Genissel, Poland

November 27, 2022 (OPEN STUDIOS)
Open studios, AiR 351, Cascais, PT

November 17, 2022 (SCREENING)
FOUR QUARTETS, Field Projects, New York

October, 2022 (RESIDENCY)
Galeria Zé dos Bois & CADA, PT

2022 - 2023 (RESIDENCY)
AiR 351 (invited artist), PT

Ghosts, Lo Squaderno. Explorations in Space and Society journal, nº62, Italy

June 14-19, 2022 (GROUP SHOW)
Photo Basel, Basel, Switzerland

April 22-23, 2022 (OPEN STUDIOS)
ISCP Spring Open Studios, Brooklyn, New York

April - June (RESIDENCY)
International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP), New York

January, 2022 (VISUAL ESSAY)
Men and trees long for fire and call for the rain, Contemporânea magazine #6 - Photography

2022 (GRANT)
Grant for artistic residency at the International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP) | FLAD - Luso-American Development Foundation, New York, U.S.A.

January 27, 2022 (GROUP EXHIBITION)
Depois do banquete | Teatro Thalia, Lisbon, Portugal

December 16, 2021 (GROUP EXHIBITION)
Painting: observation field (II) | Curated by João Pinharanda | Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art, Lisbon, Portugal

November 11 - 14, 2021 (SOLO EXHIBITION)
J'ai rêvé d'une fleur qui ne mourrait jamais | Curiosa section (a collaboration with Galerie Dix9 Hélène Lacharmoise), Paris Photo | Grand Palais Ephemere, Paris, France

October 27, 2021 (GROUP EXHIBITION)
FLAD Drawing Award | SNBA - Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes | Lisbon, Portugal

September 18, 2021 (GROUP EXHIBITION)
Entre Paredes: Futuros. Obras da Coleção António Cachola | Curated by Sara Antónia Matos | Paços - Galeria Municipal de Torres Vedras | Torres Vedras, Portugal

August, 2021 (PRESS)
Oliveira, Luísa Soares de (August 27th), «Impuro azul», in Ípsilon / Público, p. 27

July 7 - 11, 2021

Opening section | ARCO Madrid | Madrid, Spain

June, 2021 (PRESS)
Marmeleira, José, «Nas imagens de AnaMary Bilbao o azul nunca é o mesmo», in Contemporânea, Ed. 04-05-06/2021 (more info here)

No reino das nuvens | Curated by Vitor dos Reis | MU.SA - Museu das Artes de Sintra, Portugal

May 20, 2021 (SOLO EXHIBITION)
J'avale la vague qui me noie le soleil de midi | Leal Rios Foundation | Lisbon, Portugal

April 5, 2021 (SOLO EXHIBITION)
Apologia da Floresta e Outras Impressões | Zé dos Bois Gallery's bookshop | Lisbon, Portugal

April, 2021 (BOOK LAUNCH)

Ao domicílio
| An edition which brings together original works from 40 selected artists | Org. by Ana Pérez-Quiroga | With the support of Lisbon City Hall / Fes – Cultura (a fund for cultural projects)

January 30, 2021 (GROUP EXHIBITON)
VI Ed. Photography Award, MU.SA - Museu das Artes de Sintra, Portugal

November 14 - December 30, 2020 (SOLO EXHIBITION)

From the Ground Up |
CAA – Centro de Artes de Águeda, Aveiro, Portugal

November 14, 2020 (CATALOGUE LAUNCH)
Desenho como pensamento [Drawing as thought] | Catalogue from the cycle of exhibitions untitled "Drawing as thought" organized by Alexandre Baptista | CAA – Centro de Artes de Águeda, Aveiro, Portugal

November 8, 2020 (PROJECTION)
Almost Blue | Curated by Natxo Checa | Galeria Zé dos Bois / Novo Negócio, Lisbon, Portugal

October 29, 2020 (GROUP EXHIBITION)
FPM #2020 | Curated by João Silvério | PLMJ Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal

October 5, 2020 - October 5, 2021 (GROUP EXHIBITION)
Art at São Bento - Figueiredo Ribeiro Collection | Curated by Ana Anacleto and João Silvério | Prime Minister's Official Residence, Lisbon, Portugal

September, 2020 (PRESS)

Marmeleira, José, Through Windows, in Brás, Celina (dir.),Contemporânea, Ed. 07-08-09 (more info here)

July 3 - September 19, 2020 (GROUP EXHIBITION)
Through Windows
| Curated by Miguel Mesquita | Uma Lulik__, Lisbon, Portugal (more info here)

June, 2020 (PRESS)
Bilbao, AnaMary, Sara & André, Inquérito a 471 Artistas / Inquiry to 471 artists, in Brás, Celina (dir.), Contemporânea (more info here)
October 25, 2019
FOCUS (group exhibition) | Curated by João Ribas | Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto, Canada
October 4 - December 7, 2019
Tu não viste nada (group exhibition) | Curated by Tiago Baptista | Duplex Air, Lisbon, Portugal
May 14 - Dec. 15, 2019
Deep deep down, far far in (and out) (group exhibition) | Curated by Sérgio Fazenda Rodrigues
| Fundação Leal Rios, Lisbon, Portugal
Dec. 1, 2018 - Dec. 31, 2019
A guerra como modo de ver (group exhibition) | Curated by Ana C. Cachola | MACE – Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Elvas | Elvas, Portugal
Oct. 5, 2018 - Sep. 30, 2019
Arte em São Bento - Coleção António Cachola 2018 (group exhibition) | Curated by João Pinharanda | Palácio de São Bento | Lisbon, Portugal
May 15 - Sep. 19, 2019
EDP Foundation's New Artists Award | Curated by Inês Grosso, João Silvério e Sara Antónia Matos | MAAT | Lisbon, Portugal
April 27 - June 1, 2019
Lighted by a Searing Light (solo show) | Curated by Sérgio Fazenda Rodrigues | Travessa da Ermida, Lisbon, Portugal

Dec. 6, 2018 - Feb. 16, 2019
O último brilho da estrela que morre [The last gleam of a dying star] (solo show) | UMA LULIK_ Contemporary Art Gallery | Lisbon, Portugal

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